Friday, July 8, 2011

Before I Became a Mom

(A few months ago I came across a poem someone wrote about before they became a mom, which got me thinking about how different my life has become since I became a mom and so I wrote my own version.)

Before I became a mom life was easy.
I never got thrown up on, or pooped on, or peed on.
I never worried.
I went to bed late and I slept in.
My life was my own.

Before I became a mom I was in control.
I never helplessly held down a baby while they were given shots.
I was never brought to tears by the sight of a single tear on someone else's cheek.
I never knew what it was to feel such a fierce need to protect someone else and yet helplessly realize that some things are out of my control.

Before I became a mom I never saw life as a miracle.
I never sat for hours just watching someone else sleep.
I never cried with joy or felt so much pride at someone learning to roll over, crawl, talk, or walk.

Before I became a mom life was easy, I was in control.
Now life is miraculous.

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